Monday, September 12, 2011

Express Yourself

I have noticed that the more I engage in conversation, the more I am myself, and the more I go out and explore - I have found more satisfaction and happiness. Often times it seems easier to the be silent one or to stay inside for relaxation and sleep but in reality one can be discovering new places and ideas through exploration and conversation. There are times when I have had simple questions or little stories to tell people - that I questioned myself whether or not to tell them because I was too shy to or thought that they would think it to be silly. But by expressing my thoughts and feelings, I have found to really be able to connect with people and to learn a lot about life.

Another way of expressing myself that I have found to be great is letting the people you love and care about know how you feel. Simple things throughout the day - making meals, picking flowers, or just writing them a sweet note to let them know how much they mean to you - can make a big difference. Dont let time slip away without those close to you knowing how you feel. You never know when it will be too late to do so and you never know how much closer of a relationship you can have with them by sharing how you feel.

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